Commission a portrait by Emma Kaufmann

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Little Yummy Hummingbird

I am part of an online Nature Painting Challenge Group. Each week we take inspiration from a photograph of an endangered species to create inspirational artwork to create awareness of the animals' plight.

This week's topic was the Saw-billed hermit (hummingbird, Ramphodon naevius) feeding on a large torch ginger (Etlingera elatior). This hummingbird is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and the largest of its hummingbirds. But sadly, he is considered near threatened because of the status of the Atlantic Forest. This forest is under serious threat as 93% of it has been destroyed. The large cities along Brazil's coast, urban sprawl and agricultural interests are the main causes.

I had fun creating a loose work of art with alcohol inks on yupo paper. It was such fun as always!

I am linking up with Paint Party Friday so come on and join in the fun. The hummingbird painting is available as a print, cushion cover, mug etc at Redbubble. It is also available as a silk scarf from the Art of Where.

Happy Painting!


  1. This is remarkable. I absolutely love it. I wonder if Redbubble can print it on silk for a scarf or a blouse. It is really stunning.

  2. Phoenix Peacock....oh thanks! I am so glad you like it! I don't think Redbubble do this but I did find a company called who will print an image on silk squares. Hopefully I can manage to get this product into my Etsy shop soon. I'll keep you posted. Emma x

  3. Oh, my. I haven't seen alcohol inks used this way. It's gorgeous!!!!!

  4. You did a fantastic job on the hummingbird and flower. I also have never seen alcohol inks used in this manner.

  5. I LOVE this - photo and painting, just fantastic! Valerie

  6. love the use of colours

  7. This is truly beautiful. Such a wonderful way to combine your art with much needed awareness.

  8. Emma your rendition of the photo is brilliant!! I love hummingbirds but only have had one variety come to our feeder. What a great way to bring awareness to so many endangered species.

  9. I love this one! Beautiful!

  10. Wow!! That's amazing!! So beautiful!

  11. What a beautiful painting!!!!! Wonderful....I love its movement and vibrant colour.

  12. This is so gorgeous and a great way to bring awareness! Happy PPF!

  13. Wow! i have lots to learn about alcohol inks & yupo paper. This is gorgeous. I just love the looseness of it. Thanks for sharing. xx

  14. This is truly a fabulous piece ~ a true honor to the beauty of the hummingbird, it's natural habitat *and* our place in that shared space. Beautiful and poignant post!

  15. Beautiful! You have captured it so well x
