Commission a portrait by Emma Kaufmann

Friday, June 10, 2016

The Eye of the Leopard

Inspiration struck to paint a leopard a little bit try and get to his energy and really make it sing. I used watercolor and black pen (but first a bit of masking fluid for the whiskers etc).

Visitors from England are arriving on Monday and I am bracing myself. They are bringing my 2 year old nephew Jack and I will watch him some of the time as my teen kids are still in school (after that they can watch him). I was not apprehensive or nervous about having kids fifteen years ago and they were tumbling, climbing, very active girls. But I do think I have become something of a couch potato over the years so wonder if I will be able to keep up with Jack at my age!!

Those were the days my friend. When I had my two little girls I would often be mistaken for the nanny at the playground. Maybe because I had an English accent in the USA or maybe it was down to my dewy skin and youthful smile lol. But most likely because I did not hover around them when they were on the climbing frame like so many of those helicopter parents you see about the place, anxious and driving themselves bonkers with worry that something could happen to their kids.

Of course all the Hollywood moms have kids in their mid-forties...usually by gestational surrogate and that's fine because nannies are going to be minding them most of the time. But what about this woman in India who became a first time mum in her 70s just now? How would anyone have the energy. Although they say you become more patient as you get older. I just feel more tired.

Well I will enjoy hanging out with the young moms at the playground and having a good old natter about lots of things the modern moms are into and I don't 'get' like men in beards and skinny jeans and maybe eating disgusting kale and spirulina smoothies for breakfast. I just hope no one confuses me for Jack's grandma.

Linking up to Paint Party Friday and Brilliant Blog Posts. 

You can buy prints of the Eye of the Leopard here.

Brilliant blog posts on


  1. LOVE your leopard! Have fun with the visitors, you will manage it, I am sure! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wonderful, I faund her eye ;-)
    Happy PPF ☺

  3. Wonderful painting. I really like your colors and blending here. It's beautiful! Enjoy the time with your visitors/family. Have a great weekend!

  4. Lovely painting Emma...hope you survive the visitor experience. Yes the idea of a baby at 70 sounds....well exhausting doesn't even cover it!!! :)

  5. this is a fantastic abstract painting Emma! BTW, I gave away (framed) a few of your cards I bought - one going to Scotland- and they all absolutely loved them! Looks like I'll be buying more soon:):) Enjoy your special company!

  6. What a stunning painting. I love it... it works perfectly.
    Enjoy your visitors and good luck. I feel exhausted just reading about the visit.
    I'm sure you'll have masses of fun and try to stay off the slide please!
    Happy PPF to you

  7. Great abstract leopard. Hang in there with the little one.

  8. You have accomplished that abstract just as you described...excellent
    rich piece... I love it!! Yeah two year olds are too busy for me... seventy as a mom is insane... But my son in law is one of ten the oldest is nearing 45 the youngest 20. However I enjoy the little ones even more now as long as I don't have to run after them!! So fun to watch them from older eyes!! Enjoy....can't wait to hear how it turns out!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Oh, this is good... this is REALLY good. Just gorgeous!!!!

  10. woow this painting look amazing! I love the colors xx

  11. I'm sure you'll be fine with your young visitor, there will be down time as well as running around!
