Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Oodles of Poodles

Oodles of Poodles, pastel by Emma Kaufmann

I've been in something of a pastelly, summery type of mood what with our balmy weather so I did this little collection of pastel poodles. They are awfully elegant and look like the type of pooches Audrey Hepburn might have had in Breakfast at Tiffany's and she might have sat in a fancy restaurant and waved her long cigarette lighter at the waiter and demanded they be given a pillow to sit on and a warm bowl of milk.

Image result for audrey hepburn poodles
Audrey Hepburn with poodles in Paris

Image result for audrey hepburn poodles

Then I also got carried away painting a giant intergalactic cupcake whizzing around the sky. It was great fun to paint. Here's a little video of it:

Here's the finished painting using washes of watercolor and acrylic inks on paper. I had fun using my new white fineliner pen to create all the little stars in the background. I was using the Sakura Pentouch Paint markers and found they did a wonderful job even over a dark background. I do get so excited when I use new products for the first time. Don't you?

Also I would be grateful if you could vote for my funny farting unicorn Valentine's day greeting card in a competition  Please vote for it by clicking HERE and I will be eternally grateful.

Cupcake art, bags, mugs can be bought HERE
Poodle art, bags, mugs can be bought HERE

Linking up to Paint Party Friday, Sunday Sketches and Brilliant Blog Posts.

Brilliant blog posts on


  1. Lovely work! I love your cup cake painting. Happy PPF.

  2. The pastel poodles really touches my heart. I love dogs, no matter the breed or color. Also your cupcakes with the white pen work is really lovely. Since it's lunchtime, it makes my mouth water.

  3. Pastel boodles are adorable. Love cupcakes too.
    Happy PPF 🐩

  4. Love Audrey Hepburn and the colorful poodles inspired by her:) Your cupcake is fabulous, and yes, I love the excitement of using a new product for the first time!

  5. Wonderful cupcake, I enlarged it and it's beautiful! Adorable poodles and I love your unicorn card!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Those poodles are fabulous, love the cupcake and laughed at the unicorn. Have a very nice weekend.

  7. HA! That card is soooo cute! Love the poodles too :)

  8. Loving those sweet poodles Emma! and the floating cupcake is wonderful, great work on the unicorn :D) Cheers!

  9. Looks like you are having fun with these poodles and that celestial cupcake. They're really great.

  10. Love the poodles and Audrey is my favourite old style film star, such elegance

  11. I love the idea of a giant cupcake whizzing round the sky. How fabulous is that!
    Unicorn card voting done :-)
    Thanks so much for stopping by to share this at #HandmadeMonday

  12. The pastel poodles are so pretty! These Audrey Hepburn photos are incredible, I've never seen these. I'm a huge fan! That second one of her is just so elegant! The giant cupcake has made me hungry!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  13. I saw wow. Such gorgeous poodle sketches. And so nice to see Audrey. She got style :)
