Friday, September 9, 2016

Guinea Pig Logic

I have to be honest....I cannot stop watching these two guinea pigs talking about pumpkin spice. They just tickle me!

I am very much looking forward to pumpkin spice latte weather and walking around wearing a fleece vest rather than walking about covered in sweat. I may or may not be experiencing those first hot flashes on the rocky road to menopause but it is also 95 degrees. They have had to close the schools because the kids were overheating. But I am still waiting and longing for Fall....

I am busy writing a children's book about guinea pigs...I can't really talk about it is about an adventurous guinea pig that travels the this space

I am afraid in the creative process I have more or less become a guinea pig and I am starting to observe the world as if I were covered in fur and walked on four legs and was covered in whiskers. Here is a piece I did called Guinea Pig Logic:

Okay I'm just going off to nibble on some carrots and hay....
Have a great weekend!

Linking up to Paint Party Friday and Brilliant Blog Posts.

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  1. that video is SO darn cute and so is your illustration Emma!! Have you started growing fur on your body yet?? :) Happy PPF !

    1. Yes just a few hairs that are sprouting from my ears 😉

  2. LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! omgoodness! That video is too cute!!!! Thanks for making my afternoon!!! Your cartoon is also very adorable! Look forward to seeing more!

  3. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them!!! Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  4. What a cute video and your illustration is lovely!

  5. Your illustration is perfect!!! And the video is a delight. Happy PPF

  6. Aww that is soooo just. I love the illustration. #brillianblogposts x

  7. Very fun art. These two guys are just too cute. Have a very nice weekend.

  8. Oh that video is sooo cute! Of course I had to go back and watch it again. Whoever did the voice overs were great! Your drawing is so cute too! This has to go down as one of the funniest videos, at least that is what I believe and for you to create a drawing to go with it just makes it better and better! Happy PPF and have a Wonderful week. Hugs Rasz

  9. that is so funny what a superb sketch thank you for visiting my blog

  10. I've never actually had anything pumpkin spice, could probably get it at starbucks I guess but I don't like coffee lol

    very cute piggies :) they can be such cute tiny characters :D

  11. Yours is the second blog I've read where pumpkin spice is mentioned. I've never had a pumkin spices latte think I need too!!

  12. LOL what a post, perfect!
    Have a great week!

  13. Oh my goodness....LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Can't wait to see what you come up with! Had 2 long haired guinea pigs in the seventies... their cage took up half our spare room...Your book will be fabulous no doubt!! I love how you are becoming one with the guinea so fun! Fall is my favourite time of year and even though there are a few more warm days ahead at least it's not sweltering heat which makes me miserable!

    Hugs Giggles
